The Daily App: Android OS Monitor for Tablet

While there are a number of decent apps designed to keep tabs on all the processes running on an Android OS-based device, most are geared toward smart phones rather than tablets. Android OS Monitor, a free download from the Android Market, has been designed with the tablet in mind and it does a nice job.

Written by developer EOLWRAL, Android OS Monitor will permit basic process monitoring, viewing of every network interface, and CPU, battery and file-system monitoring as well. Compared to previous versions, the developer has also added a “freeze” process button.

What’s nice about this app is its use of a full tablet display to make it very easy and intuitive to drill down, app by app, to determine which apps are bandwidth or battery hogs – and even whether you launched the app yourself or whether it auto-launched or was launched by an intruder.

By monitoring your Android tablet on a regular basis throughout a work day, for example, you’ll be armed with information you need to maximize battery length, performance and improve its security. Android OS Monitor for Tablet is one to consider.

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