The Daily App: MyBlacklist for iPhone

We’ve all heard the phrase a million times: “He’s on my blacklist.”

Now that little list we all keep in the back of our heads to remember the people we currently dislike, people against whom we maintain grudges, people that annoy or irritate us, has gone 21st Century.

MyBlacklist for iPhone is a 99-cent download from the Apple iTunes App store, and within seconds you can begin rating people you encounter according to a sliding scale of how negative or positive the interaction. Based on grades, the apps either place people into your Blacklist, your Greylist or your Whitelist (if they are generally positive interactions.)

You may label the meeting (so you can later recall the precise occasion or venue), and if you encounter this person on a regular basis either upgrade or downgrade the relationship on a regular basis. Thus, if someone is particularly bothersome for a period of time, they’ll no doubt make your “Blacklist.”

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At first this may appear one of those novelty apps that seem fun at first but that you quickly forget and, eventually, delete. But consider the possibilities: now instead of just entering someone’s business card contact information into your iPhone during a professional conference or convention, you can enter the nature of your encounter.

If you meet 200 people at a professional or business conference, you’ll now have a contemporaneous measurement on the quality of each meeting and where that person fits in.