When it comes to Linux, Read the Manual

wrote Winston Deshong

So Windows XP is riding off into the sunset (well, it will be a long ride since Microsoft will offer support through 2014.) But now there's a debate running throughout the Web and in the market now as to whether the Vista hatred that continues to build will lead to quicker adoption of Linux.

But a transition to Linux for many is about as easy as switching from a car with an automatic transmission to one with a stick shift. There can be a lot of bumps and knocks along the way.

Dan Craciun takes a stab at how you can make learning about Linux a little easier:

Adam Kane at Foogazi.com picks up on this point, and adds:

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Kane then lists a few ways to shorten the Linux learning curve, including "Start off on the command line to learn the true way of Linux before you start on the desktop and use GUI tools to do everything for you. Remember each GUI tool you use is just a front end for command line tools that can accomplish the same thing."

Many people would rather just go fishing than use command lines, but in a post-Vista world anything might be possible.