Dear Adobe, You Need to See This Web Site

You get "" (Warning: Don't go there if you're bothered by profanity.)

The web site,, is becoming one of the best quick-reads available for reaffirming everything you may have disliked about a company's products but were afraid to say out loud.

To wit:

"Please stop annoying me with installer updates when all I want to do is view PDFs in my browser."

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"Why is Adobe Reader using more RAM than Supreme Commander?"

"Could you make Adobe Reader start up slower? I'd like to have enough time to go get a sandwich before I read a one page document."

"Why does the Acrobat Reader take two minutes to launch, and require updates twice a month, just to display PDF pages?"

"Why does Photoshop cost as much as a pre-owned small car? Drop the price please!!"

The site authors say they are in no way connected to Adobe.

Overall, the key beefs with Adobe seem to be pricing and its unwelcomed installer and updates. Unlike other Internet trolling or flaming, though, the suggestions on "" appear to be (profanity and all) positive and come from people who like, use or need the company's software.

Should Adobe consider a "Dear Reader" site to respond? There have been worse ideas, like pricing software at about the same level as a pre-owned small car.