Another 'Whoops' From experienced another outage Monday.

Accounts vary. One company watcher reported the "whoops," somewhat ironically, on the very first day he posted his Thoughts On weblog.

Monday evening, Bruce Francis, vice president of corporate strategy for the San Fran hosted-CRM kingpin said (via e-mail): "We had a period of intermittent availability for about a half hour. The system is operating normally now. We apologize for any inconvenience that our customers may have experienced."

Others say the outage was considerably longer. Competitors—who obviously keep a keen eye on the site—said it went down around 10:30 eastern time and remained down well into the afternoon.

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This snafu comes just weeks after another widely-covered outage. At its AppExchange announcement last month Salesforce said an infrastructure upgrade has made the system more scalable as the company adds customers. Theoretically, it would also bolster against outages.