Katmai Fun Facts


&#149 Katmai, or SQL Server Next, will support 32- as well as 64-bit hardware. Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 is 64-bit only and there was some speculation that other server products would follow suit. But noooooo.....

&#149There will be no "beta test builds" per se. The operable terminology is now Community Technical Preview. CTPs ostensibly mean a faster and more frequent feedback loops between company and testers

&#149There are no plans for Katmai to support Microsoft's proposed Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR). It was probably a stupendously stupid question to ask, but hey, we were on the phone anyway, so why waste the dime?

&#149 The SQL Server 'Pillars" are Enterprise Data Platform, Beyond Relational, Dynamic Development, and Pervasive Insight. (After the Longhorn pillars and their gloomy fate, one might think Microsoft would pick some other nomenclature.)

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