Channel Best-Sellers: Winners, Losers, Hotshots

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Just ask Hewlett-Packard, which last week became the first IT company to pass the $100 billion mark in annual revenue. Much of the credit for passing that milestone goes to HP's solution provider partners—as evidenced by the twice-yearly CMP Channel Best-Sellers Survey.

This Best-Sellers report again features solid comparative data to analyze who are the winners and up-and-comers in the channel.

The data, gleaned from the NPD Group/Distributor Track, which includes information from the Global Technology Distribution Council members, provides an exclusive insight into what's happening in the channel. What's more, it offers insights into emerging markets such as digital signage.

These are just some of the highlights of the latest Best-Sellers survey. For solution providers, you can discover who is the best-seller in your particular area of expertise and weigh the option of getting on board with that vendor if you're not already aligned with it.

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For vendors, the list is a good barometer to see how you're faring against your competitors.

For the winners and the up-and-comers, it's an affirmation of how the channel can help you grow your business. Just ask HP.