Certified Information Systems Security Professional

The Certified Information Systems Security Professional is a vendor-neutral certification whose time has come. Not only is it the only vendor-neutral certification among the Big 8, but it vied with Cisco certifications for top honors, placing No. 1 in return on investment with a whopping 36.8 percent ROI and second as a generator of new business.

The program, hatched by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium in the early 1990s, offers rigorous training and certification in 10 core security areas.

While tests can range up to $5,000 per employee, solution providers such as Patriot Technologies, Frederick, Md., find the price is right. Patriot Technologies offers all employees--including sales representatives--a bonus if they achieve the certification.

“The more knowledge and credibility you can bring to the table, the more important it is,” said Mark Williamson, the company’s vice president of sales. “The CISSP distinction is good because it’s an all-out industry-recognized certification.

It’s our goal to have well-rounded people who understand the security industry.”

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Published for the Week Of August 30, 2004