Results of Surveys of Hewlett-Packard Employees On Merger

A total of 940 interviews with HP employees representing all job classifications and 1,037 interviews with former employees living in the areas of Corvallis, Oregon, Boise, Idaho, and Fort Collins, Colorado reveal the following results:

Employee opposition to the proposed merger ranges from 63% to 65% across the three sites and averages 64%. Employee support for the merger ranges from 26% to 31%, averaging 28%. No opinion ranges from 6% to 11% and averages 8%.

Opposition to the proposed merger among ex-employees living in the area of the three sites ranges from 57% to 71%, averaging 63%. This is almost four times the average proportion of former HP employees favoring the merger (16%).

Why opponents and supporters of the proposed merger feel the way they do, other survey findings and how the surveys were conducted are covered here.

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