Web Services Organization Forms Working Groups

Spearheaded by IBM, Microsoft, BEA Systems, Hewlett-Packard, SAP and others, the WS-1 aims to speed development and deployment of interoperable Web services across multiple platforms, applications and programming languages. The group is holding its first community meeting here this week.

The WS-1 has set up three groups to accomplish key objectives to promote Web services, the spokesperson said.

The Basic Web Services Profile Working Group will attempt to identify a set of specifications using XML-based standards such as SOAP, WSDL and UDDI as a foundation for Web services. The Sample Applications Working Group is expected to provide best practices and sample apps of basic Web services, while the Test Materials and Tools Development Working Group will aim to develop self-administered tests to verify compatibility with the basic Web services profile, according to the WS-1.

The WS-1 expects to accomplish the objectives of each group by fall, the spokesperson said.

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New companies to join the group include Cisco Systems, AT&T, Vitria, Actional, Proctor and Gamble, Parasoft, SilverStream Software and Tibco Software.

Sun Microsystems, a major player in the Web services space, was invited to join but has yet to do so. Sun officials have said they are seriously considering membership but haven't made a final decision.

The WS-I's mission is to guide the implementation of companies deploying Web services, to promote interoperability among Web services and to develop and define a common industry vision for Web services. The group also will attempt to create a road map for solution providers developing services and customers deploying services.