2015 Best States Quiz

How well do you know your state? CRN ranked all 50 of them in our annual Best States To Grow A Solution Provider Business special report. Test your knowledge in our Best States quiz, which looks at everything from politics to taxes to golf courses. If you need a hint, click on the state names below to review their stats. Finish all the questions and enter our contest by Friday, Oct. 23 for the chance to win a $100 gift card!

1. Which state's governor is an Independent?

a. Alaska
b. Delaware
c. Hawaii
d. Ohio

2. Which state has the highest gasoline tax?

a. California
b. Connecticut
c. Hawaii
d. New York

3. How many states have Republican governors?

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a. 22
b. 25
c. 31
d. 36

4. Seven states have selected the cardinal as their state bird. Which of the following states has not?

a. Illinois
b. Indiana
c. South Carolina
d. Virginia

5. Only one state has an unemployment rate higher than 7 percent. Which state is it?

a. Alaska
b. Nevada
c. South Carolina
d. West Virginia

6. Which state has the most golf courses?

a. Arizona
b. California
c. Florida
d. New York

7. California has the most restaurants, with over 68,000. Which state has the fewest?

a. Alaska
b. North Dakota
c. Vermont
d. Wyoming

8. Which state has the lowest violent crime rate?

a. Maine
b. New Hampshire
c. Vermont
d. Virginia

9. Which of the following states has no corporate income tax?

a. Mississippi
b. Nevada
c. New Mexico
d. Oklahoma

10. Which state received the top marks for education?

a. Massachusetts
b. Minnesota
c. New Jersey
d. Virgina