Disrupt Yourself: How To Be An Innovative Entrepreneur

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In today's business world, with the rate of technological change rapidly increasing, how does a company make its mark as a true innovator?

"If you don't disrupt yourself, somebody else will," cautions X PRIZE Foundation Founder and Chairman Peter Diamandis.

Diamandis is one entrepreneurclued into innovation; his interests range from space travel to angel investing, as well as running Singularity University and writing The New York Times bestselling books about evolving businesses and investments.

Diamandis reminds partners that being innovative is about living in a world of exponential change, not linear change. The areas where he predicts true innovative growth opportunities sound like the stuff of science fiction: artificial intelligence, robotics and 3-D printing.

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"We're living in a world of a tsunami of innovation," Diamandis says. "And you're either riding on top of that tsunami or you're being crushed by it."

And in a world of increased connectivity, Diamandis encourages partners to think of where technologies will intersect.

"It's the unexpected convergence of all of the technologies -- AI and synthetic biology -- that makes it interesting."