Netezza Delivers Next-Gen Data Warehouse Appliance

data warehouse

The new TwinFin i-Class edition of Netezza's systems, which will be generally available by midyear, can execute complex analytics on very large data sets in parallel within a database. The system is based on Netezza's streaming data technology and incorporates a massively parallel architecture.

The i-Class system provides a way for Netezza's ISV partners to develop applications for the appliance using older programming languages such as Java, Python and Fortran and newer environments like MapReduce, said Phil Francisco, vice president of product management and marketing. Programmers also can tap into libraries of prebuilt analytic algorithms, such as the Comprehensive R Archive Network or "CRAN" repository.

"We make it really, really easy for our partners to develop applications for the system," Francisco said. "We think of this as a big partner-enablement capability."

ISV partners developing analytical applications for the new i-Class system include SAS, Tibco, MicroStrategy, Pursway, DemandTec and QuantiSense.

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The ability to analyze large data sets inside an operational database, rather than move data samples into a separate, specialized database for analysis, will help businesses reduce costs and eliminate analytical errors, according to the company. It also helps businesses move beyond basic SQL queries and reporting into more advanced data analysis.

Earlier this month Netezza struck a deal with NEC under which the two companies will develop data warehouse appliances based on Netezza's technology and NEC will sell them worldwide under its own brand.