Gmail Goggles Saves You From An EWI (E-Mailing While Intoxicated)


And while the USB breathalyzer to start a computer may still be a few years away, Google has launched Gmail Goggles through Gmail Labs. Gmail Goggles is, by default, only active late at night and during the weekend—the times you're most likely to need it.

To enable the program, click on the Labs icon in Gmail and select it. Once it's up and running, the program will ask you to complete a few simple math problems in a certain amount of time before allowing that message to be sent.

The program is as simple as it is genius. In addition to doing a few mathematic equations, Gmail Goggles gives you a few seconds to think about whether or not your ex truly will be happy to wake up to a semi-coherent e-mail professing undying love and regret at the split. He or she probably won't be too thrilled and, ultimately, not sending that message is for the best.

Trust me. I know.

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