Verizon Brings The Blitz

The Blitz has a 2.2 inch screen, allowing users to easily read their screen while sending text messages. The wide display also allows for easy surfing of the Web -- although the phone is limited in that capacity, featuring limited access to Webmail.

Part of the Blitz package Verizon hopes to use to swallow up the competition is its competitive pricing. Currently, the Blitz is listed at $69.99 after a $50 mail-in rebate and a two year contract.

The phone is music-friendly, and with a $14.99 monthly subscription to Verizon's V Cast, Blitz enthusiasts can take advantage of the MP3 capable peripherals the phone offers, including a USB port, Bluetooth speaker synchronization capabilities and the ability to play music via the built in speaker phone.

All music downloaded through the Rhapsody V Cast store is DRM free, allowing listeners to move the music to any device they choose.

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The Blitz also features a 1.3 megapixel camera.