Google Asks Newspapers To Post Content On YouTube

Google video

Specifically, Google is soliciting 25,000-plus news publications indexed by Google News to sign on with the YouTube Partner Program. The partnership will allow news organizations to more easily share video content on both YouTube and Google News, according to a blog posted by Olivia Ma, YouTube news manager.

"Google News and YouTube are teaming up to help news publishers build a bigger audience for their video content," Ma said in the blog. "Today we are inviting any professional news outlet that is already included as one of the 25,000-plus sources in Google News to become an official partner on YouTube and more easily share your news videos on both YouTube and Google News."

According to Ma, news sources that join the YouTube Partner Program will be privy to premium placement on YouTube news pages and be eligible to participate in an advertising revenue share program, all while exposing their publication to a wider audience. Plus, news organizations that embed video will be considered for placement on Google News, Ma said.

And, no doubt, Google is taking advantage of the social media craze to encourage news outlets to come on board as a YouTube partner.

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"At its core, YouTube is a rich social environment that includes thousands of microcommunities. Build one around your content by encouraging people to interact through community," Ma said. "Take advantage of YouTube as a social platform."

News organizations will be required to fill out an online application for the YouTube Partner Program and register for an account, in order to be considered.

The partnership is a free way for Google to attract "more professional" video content to YouTube, thus upping its ad revenues, as noted by The Washington Post.

Meanwhile, the new YouTube partnership will likely further an existing effort to promote more video content on its site after the Mountain View, Calif.-based company started, merging YouTube video content with Google News last month.