Seven Tips For Finding New Customers


2: Encourage new business development specialists to work with the sales force. Coordination and collaboration between different groups in the company can lead to new customer wins.

3: Continually look for new groups to join or events to attend where you might find new customers. This can be anything from membership in the local chamber of commerce to attending national technology conferences.

4: Leverage social networking and other online collaboration technology. With the Web and collaborative tools, the opportunity to network electronically has never been better.

5: Develop expertise in new technologies. When VARs develop expertise in emerging technologies such as virtualization and unified communications, they can bring in a whole new set of customers.

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6: Expand services offerings. Many prospective clients aren't just looking for technology solutions, but expert help in implementing those solutions.

7: Collaborate with vendor partners. VARs can work with technology manufacturers in joint marketing efforts such as direct mail and e-mail campaigns, educational seminars and industry events.