Former Novell CTO May Be Headed To CA

Islandia, N.Y.-based CA declined to comment on the matter but said CA's current CTO, Yogesh Gupta, remains senior vice president and CTO at the company.

CA currently is reshaping its management from a "brand unit" structure to a "business unit" structure. In January, several key executives were reassigned to new duties as the business-unit management structure began to take shape.

News that Nugent resigned from his position at Novell surfaced last week. Nugent's departure followed the November exit of Novell Vice Chairman Chris Stone, who was a key player in the software vendor's Linux push.

At Novell's BrainShare event this week in Salt Lake City, some channel partners complained about the revolving door of Novell executives and field-sales staff.

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"It's not the folks running the channel, but the problem is higher up," said one Novell partner, who requested anonymity. "Novell has experienced a lot of changes in letting people go. There are almost no good relationships we can depend on anymore."

PAULA ROONEY contributed to this story.