Systinet Framework Brings Multivendor Dimension To SOA Solutions

Systinet's Governance Interoperability Framework, unveiled Monday, is a collection of product capabilities provided with its Business Registry. The registry plays a critical role in the framework by organizing, storing and finding Web services and business services for programs and users.

Vendors supporting the Governance Interoperability Framework include Above All Software, Actional, AmberPoint, Composite Software, Datapower, Hewlett-Packard, Layer 7 Technologies, Metamatrix, Reactivity and Service Integrity. The vendors--which offer a wide variety of SOA-related products, such as SOA security, SOA management and SOA composite application development--will provide product- and standards-level support for the framework.

The framework works atop multiple J2EE application servers and Microsoft's .Net and provides three collections of APIs that developers can use to create interfaces between any service and Systinet's registry. The APIs provide three integration layers: data, control and user interface. The framework ships with Systinet's registry applications for approval processes and subscription and notification processes. Developers can use the processes' APIs to find out when changes occur in Systinet's registry, and they can approve information being published. Also, the API for the user interface console lets developers publish metrics and service information to Systinet's Web console.

After developing classifications for services' policies using one of the supported security vendors, developers can publish the policies to the Systinet registry using the Systinet framework's APIs and publishing wizards. The published services then are attuned to the policies for the designated vendor's security product.

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As a result, the Systinet framework provides seamless interoperability between the information of different environments in the registry. Customers can use the registry as a central point of control for all the information in their organizations.