Corel Simplifies Licensing For Higher Education

Customers then will be able to buy any one of the Corel applications on a per-user basis. Institutions with 15,000 to 30,000 students would pay as little as 83 cents per student, and those with 1,000 to 4,999 students would pay as little as $1.25 per student.

Corel executives said the simplified licensing approach is designed to entice education customers to select Corel products over products from Microsoft and Adobe Systems that typically come with much more complicated licensing requirements.

"It makes it a lot easier to have a plug-and-play transaction," said David Leon, institutional sales manager at Academic Superstore, a reseller based in Austin, Texas. "This gives customers a lot more flexibility, and the price points are really attractive."

The Corel program also provides free training seminars and other curriculum and training resources. Faculty and staff also receive take-home rights to use the applications, as do students when the applications are under maintenance.

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