Microsoft BI Exec Leaves For Online Social Management Company

Business Intelligence Microsoft Office Platform

Baker joined Microsoft in 1996 and oversaw Microsoft's SQL Server Business Intelligent Unit and served as general manager of BI applications for the Microsoft Office Business Platform. Baker's career includes more than 29 years of experience in enterprise computing and data warehousing product development at Oracle/IRI Software, Softbridge Microsystems and IDC.

"Bill has been an integral part of Microsoft's Business Intelligent team, having guided development for SQL Server, PerformancePoint Server and most recently Master Data Management," said Kurt DelBene, senior vice president, Microsoft's Office Business Platform group, in a statement. "Bill has been instrumental in growing our thriving core business and we will miss him and his contributions."

Beginning in September, Baker will take on the role of CTO at Visible Technologies, a social media monitoring and solutions firm. Microsoft has not yet announced Baker's replacement.

Visible, Seattle, provides online brand management and technologies, and counts Microsoft and Panasonic among its clients.

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"Social media conversations represent the fastest-growing segment of the Web with more than 1 million new articles of content posted on a variety of online sites and communities every 24 hours," according to company's Web site. "This growing phenomenon is creating a new generation of 'brand influencers' who are collectively influencing corporate perceptions and purchase decisions as more consumers turn to peer-to-peer Web communications as their trusted source of news information and opinions."