IBM And SAP Demonstrate Next-Gen Cloud Computing


The IBM-SAP collaboration is part of a broader cloud-computing project known as "Reservoir" funded by the European Union. Cloud computing uses pools of linked computer systems to provide IT services, making it easier to dynamically allocate IT resources based on workload needs.

The IBM and SAP demonstration will include migrating SAP application workloads across remote IBM Power6 servers in multiple data centers. In some cases applications will be running on virtual servers on a single physical machine.

The work with SAP is one of many alliances IBM has established with other vendors recently to further its "Blue Cloud" initiative. Last month IBM unveiled a series of new cloud computing software products and services and struck a deal to deliver IBM software as cloud services through Amazon Web Services. Earlier in February IBM inked a deal with Juniper Networks to install that company's networking technology across IBM's nine cloud computing laboratories worldwide to help demonstrate to customers the potential of hybrid public-private cloud computing networks.

The joint demonstration with SAP is designed to showcase how application workloads can be migrated from one cloud system to another in real-time without disruption, regardless of the underlying network. The IBM technology used in the demonstration was developed in its Haifa, Israel, research laboratories. IBM hasn't disclosed when the technology will be offered as a commercial product.

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