Coming Search Engine Wars: Microsoft Bing Up, Google Down, By Tiny Bits


Queries via Microsoft's new Bing search engine rose 5 percent in July compared to June, more than making up for an 11 percent drop in queries through Microsoft's legacy search engine, comScore reported this week.

Searches via Google's search engine fell about 4 percent during the same time, helping pull down the total number of searches using all of Google's sites by 2 percent, comScore reported.

As a result, Google's share of the online search volume dipped by 0.3 percentage points to 64.7 percent, while Microsoft's share rose by 0.5 percentage points to 8.9 percent.

A full report on comScore's rankings can be read by clicking here.

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However, all was not joyful for the planned Microsoft-Yahoo search partnership, which was unveiled late last month.

According to comScore, Yahoo's total share of the search market fell 0.3 percent to 19.3 percent. That gave the combined Microsoft/Yahoo share of total search queries a 28.2 percent share, up 0.2 percentage points.

Such shifts are still relatively insignificant, as both Google and Microsoft are still in the process of loading their guns for the upcoming search war.

Microsoft Bing has only been available in production mode for less than a month, following a few months of public beta testing, and changes to how Microsoft and Yahoo go to market together with their new search partnership have yet to be felt..

Google, in the meantime, earlier this month released a short-term public beta of Google Caffeine, its new technology behind its search engine, to mixed but generally positive reviews.