Java Joes Rejoice: Starbucks App Perks Up iPhone, iPod Touch


The Starbucks Card Mobile app is a digital Starbucks card that lets users add value and check the balance of their Starbucks card. That means if the card is carrying a low balance, any Java Joe or Java Jane can use the app to add money to their card.

The most innovative feature of the Starbucks Card Mobile app, however, is one that the ubiquitous coffee merchant is trying out: digital payments for coffee directly from the iPhone or iPod Touch.

The feature is currently only available at, not surprisingly, 16 stores in Seattle and at select locations in Mountain View, Cupertino, Sunnyvale and San Jose in California.

The Starbucks app touts that users can "leave their wallets at home" and uses a digital bar code that is displayed on the screen of the device to pay for coffee.

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The MyStarbucks app for iPhone and iPod Touch app from the iTunes store locates the nearest Starbucks and provides information about the store, such as whether or not there is a drive-thru, store hours and if that location serves oven-warmed food.

Whoever thought it would be difficult to find a Starbucks? Chances are good that if one isn't in plain sight, doing a quick 180-degree turn will bring one into view.

But just like opting for the whole milk and whip, there's more to this app than just store locations. The Food Menu option allows users to see just how many calories are in that skim vente mocha frappachino as well as the ingredients. The Drink Builder function lets users build drinks and the Coffee Menu of the MyStarbucks app for the iPhone lets real java worshipers peruse whole beans for sale.

The MyStarbucks and Starbucks Card Mobile apps are currently available in Apple's App Store and are a free download.