Google Gets Big Open Source Boost For Linux Chrome Beta


"They've been helpful on delivering our Linux version of Google Chrome," Rakowski wrote.

Google Chrome for Linux embraces open standards like HTML 5 and works well with both Gnome and KDE, wrote Google software engineers Dan Kegel and Evan Martin on the Google Chrome blog.

"It has also been developed as a true open source project, using public mailing lists, IRC channels, bug tracker, code repository, and continuous build and test farm -- following in large part the trail blazed by Mozilla," wrote the pair.

In particular, Google acknowledged two open-source developers for their help with the FTP stack, Ibrar Ahmed and Pawe Hajdan Jr. "This open approach to development seems to be working," wrote Kegel and Martin.

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Early beta users commended Google for Linux Chrome version on the blog.

"Congratz... and THANK GOD! I've been using it for about half-a-year and it rocked. Thanks for finally sending it into beta!," wrote a user named Ivan Vuica.

Another user named "Ben" wrote "I've been using the dev channel version ever since it was made available and almost forgot that it was pre-beta...that is how good it was getting to...just got the beta in and am sure it'll be great."

The FTP implementation was initially written by Ahmed single"handedly in his spare time, wrote Wan-Teh Chang, software engineer, in another blog post. Hajdan Jr. started to work on the new FTP code in July as one of his summer intern projects at Google, adding new unit tests, fixed bugs and compatibility issues, wrote Chang. "[He] is taking the lead in bringing the new FTP code to production quality," Chang wrote.

Google also said Tuesday that Google Chrome for Mac is available in beta.

"We wanted Google Chrome to feel at home on the Mac, so we've focused on uniting our clean, simple design with subtle animations and effects to create a snappy and satisfying browsing experience for OS X," Rakowski wrote. "As you might expect, the speed of Google Chrome for Mac is something we're very proud of. If you have a Mac, try installing the beta and see how fast it launches — there's hardly even time for the icon in the dock to bounce!"