SAP Readies Upgrade For Small Business App

business intelligence

SAP, based in Waldorf, Germany, unveiled Business One 8.8 at the CeBIT trade fair in Hannover, Germany. The product, which is largely sold through SAP's channel partners, will be generally available by the end of April.

Vision33, an SAP channel partner based in Irvine, Calif., is among a number of solution providers participating in an early-release program for the software and already has a half-dozen customers working with the product. Vision33 vice president Alex Rooney said embedding Crystal Reports in Business One to expand its business intelligence capabilities is a major boost for the software, while its new user-friendly interface will make it easier to use.

SAP said improved business network connectivity in release 8.8 helps businesses link their branch offices and subsidiaries -- and even business partners -- with their main office, according to SAP. The company said a new upgrade wizard built into the application reduces downtime while implementing the software.

Other enhancements include new data archiving capabilities, integration with on-demand Web services such as eShops, and a universal code base for 40 countries.

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