Access Distribution Taps Vignette

Vignette, Austin, Texas, was a Wall Street darling about five years ago when its stock approached $100 a share, but its star faded with many other high-tech companies—shares now trade at less than $2 per share—and solution providers say it never developed a strong channel presence.

However, the company made several acquisitions in the past year that have strengthened its product portfolio to the point that solution providers are once again listening.

GTSI selected Vignette because recent acquisitions have made it a stronger player, said Scott Spencer, director of the Chantilly, Va.-based solution provider's enterprise software and security practice.

"They are increasing their breadth of solutions and have become more attractive to our customers in the public sector," Spencer said.

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GTSI has had a direct relationship with Vignette for about a year but now plans to buy the developer's products through Access Distribution, said Scott Friedlander, group vice president of the sales and enterprise technology practices at GTSI.

"We're starting to build up an enterprise software practice and as we build it out, we want the right partners. This helps us have one place to shop," Friedlander said.

Access Distribution, Westminster Colo., will also offer service, education and maintenance programs to solution providers, said Grant Hunter, vice president of the enterprise solutions group at Access Distribution.

"From [Vignette's] solutions in the portal, collaboration, records and document management space, we can go to market with a complete Java stack in this sector," Hunter said. "They are a strong Sun partner. For us, they have the perfect solutions to take to VARs."

Vignette wants solution providers to target the midmarket, which it defines as companies with less than $250 million in annual revenue.

"We are looking to gain expansion into new markets where we will make it crystal clear to our field-sales force that those opportunities will go exclusively through the channel," said Mark Belles, vice president of strategic alliances and business development at Vignette.

In addition, solution providers can work with Vignette on enterprise accounts, Belles said. The developer is changing its compensation plans for its field-sales force to be more channel-friendly, Belles said. He declined to say how the compensation plans will work.