MegaPath Launches Managed Security Services


The MegaPath Managed Security Services can be delivered from the cloud, as an on-premise solution or as a hybrid of both. The security-as-a-service offerings leverage the company’s PCI-certified MPLS network, which was created when MegaPath merged with Speakeasy and Covad last September.

MegaPath Managed Security Services leverages Fortinet’s unified threat management (UTM) technology to help enterprise-class customers, especially in retail, health-care and financial services, and helps them control capital expenses and IT management resources, according to John Ramsey, senior product manager of managed security and compliance at MegaPath.

“Security is one of the top concerns within most organizations today, and by adding leading security capabilities to our premises-based offerings, MegaPath can now offer services that protect customers’ internal networks and Internet connections,” Ramsey said in a statement.

As part of its SaaS offering, MegaPath provides customers with compliance services that incorporate managed logging, vulnerability scanning and security information management. Its managed logging includes real-time collection and correlation of security events along with a daily automated review function, according to the company.

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In addition to compliance services, MegaPath also now offers attack mitigation with an advanced firewall and intrusion prevention with rogue wireless detection, Web filtering with content filtering and white/blacklisting, anti-alware with anti-virus, anti-crimeware and anti-spam, and application security with advanced application control and data leak prevention.