How To Survive A 'Shark Tank': Investors' Advice

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The chance to pitch potential investors is one of the most stressful and important situations for an entrepreneur: An entrepreneur may only get one shot to speak to an investor, so it’s important to make it count, investors say.

Tim Wright, general partner with Needham, Mass.-based GrandBanks Capital, told CRNtv that the work starts before the actual meeting.

’Figure out who it is you’re pitching to,’ he recommended.

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From then on, he said, ’it’s got to be really clear. If you get to the end of 15 minutes with me and I don’t know what we’re solving yet, you’re wasting our time because I’ve glazed over.’

Wright also said it’s essential for all team members to show their roles and voices during a pitch.

’If the CEO speaks over everyone else on the team, I’m out. I’m done,’ he said.

John Hession, a partner at Waltham, Mass.-based law firm Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton who is highly active in the investment community, said actual sales strategies are ’overlooked’ in many entrepreneurs’ business plans.

’There are certain alarms that I see in business plans that just tell me right away [that] not a lot of thinking has been done about customer revenue inflow,’ he said.