Luce Rejoins Dell Board, Audit Panel

Dell said Luce also will rejoin the Audit Committee of the company's board, on which he previously served. His re-emergence at Dell comes as the PC giant faces several investigations into its finances.

"Tom's historical knowledge of Dell and his past experience on our Audit Committee are great assets to have available for our board," Dell Chairman Michael Dell said in a statement. "His perspectives will also be valuable as we launch Dell 2.0 -- a revitalization of our direct model that builds upon our traditional strengths of delivering the greatest value to customers while best positioning us for the future."

Luce rejoins the board and its Audit Committee as that panel is trying to determine whether Dell must restate prior earnings reports and whether Dell executives had previously made misstatements on the company's financial results.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is conducting an "informal" investigation into similar issues, and the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York is conducting its own probe. Federal prosecutors have subpoenaed Dell financial records from between 2002 and 2006, the company said last week.

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Luce served on Dell's board from 1991 to 2005, when he was confirmed as Assistant Secretary of Education for Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development for the Bush administration. He will serve on Dell's board until its annual shareholders meeting next year, at which time he may be put up for re-election, the company said.