AMD To Launch 3.0 GHz Dual-Core Opterons
dual-core architecture GHz Opteron
As part of the new lineup, AMD this month plans to begin shipping three 3.0 GHz "top-of-the-stack" Opteron processors running at 120 watts.
The 1222 SE, 2222 SE and 8222 SE Opteron processors are designed, respectively, for single-socket Web servers, two-socket mainstream servers, and four- and eight-socket high-performance servers for database applications, said John Fruehe, worldwide market development manager for AMD's server and workstation products.
AMD is taking orders from the channel now but won't begin shipping or announce pricing on the new chips for another two weeks, Fruehe said. The Sunnyvale, Calif., chip maker expects a number of OEMs to start shipping servers based on the new Opteron line when it launches.
The current fleet of 1200, 2200 and 8200 Opterons offer 2.8 GHz performance.
"The dual-core is far from dead," Fruehe said. "The bulk of what you see purchased is dual-core, and there's still demand for some single-core as well. The world isn't going to flip overnight to quad-core. Customers are looking at infrastructure workloads running in dual-core, and they need the performance bump these processors give them."