Refreshing News? Apple Pulls Plug On 20-Inch Display


Apple has pulled all information about the 20-inch Cinema Display model from its online store and sent out an advisory notice to its channel partners.

"With immediate effect, the following products are 'End of Life' (EOL); Apple 20" Cinema Display," reported Apple Insider. "All backlog will be canceled and there is no automatic order conversion."

News of the display's discontinuation immediately sparked chatter on the Internet and among some Apple resellers who believe that a refresh of the older product is imminent.

"Historically, when Apple discontinues products they bring in new items," said Michael Oh, president and co-founder of Tech Superpowers, a Boston-based Apple reseller. "They look for customer migration to an equal or improved display," he said.

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That was the case in October 2008, when Apple released its 24-inch Cinema Display, replacing its four-year-old 23-inch model.

"It's a strange thing in the channel that when people ask for displays we don't say, 'What size do you want?' We ask them, 'What kind of computer do you have for compatibility issues?' " said Oh.

For instance, the 30-inch model is still available but only works with the Mac Pro and Mac Mini. However, with the death of the 20-inch model, Apple watchers are speculating that since it is an older model, the 30-inch will also be retired, meaning that a new refresh with more bells and whistles could be on the way.