Jobs Said To Be Working On New Mighty Mouse And Keyboard


Schematics of a new Apple Bluetooth keyboard, model number A1314, and mouse, model A1296, were filed with the FCC, according to Engadget. After reports began to make the rounds of the Web, Apple purportedly took down the images from the FCC patent database, and then posted revised images that removed some information, Engadget said.

The new Mighty Mouse reportedly does away with the roller ball and will be touch-sensitive, said Apple Insider, which also claims Jobs is the key developer behind the product refresh. Some Apple resellers said they were unaware of the rumored launches.

Mark Szalkiewicz, senior account manager, Horizon Computer Resources, a San Diego, Calif.-based Apple reseller, said that warehouses showed that both the cabled and wireless versions of the Mighty Mouse are out of stock and an ETA was not given.

"Given the lack of Mighty Mouse availability it's definitely indicative of something going on, based on how they've historically introduced new products," said Apple reseller Michael Oh, founder of Boston-based Tech Superpowers.

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