Accenture Works With University Of Michigan On IT Transformation

information technology

The goals of the NextGen project include improved management of the university's technology investments as well as the fostering of global collaboration and innovation. The primary objective of the assessment is to develop a comprehensive view of how IT is distributed and provided across the university. All of UM’s schools, colleges, major research and administrative centers and institutes, and the central IT group Information and Technology Services (ITS) are taking part in the effort.

UM is looking to save money also. According to the university, the school faces budgetary shortfalls that are likely to persist given the State of Michigan’s long-term economic uncertainty. ITS is planning on a $7 million reduction in its General Fund expenditures for FY11, and units all across campus face daunting fiscal challenges that will likely affect their information technology expenditures.

Once the school determines where it can achieve sustainable and recurring IT cost savings, it will reinvest part of the monies saved into other departments and activities. By reviewing the interoperability of applications, products and services across campuses, the university aims to achieve faster deployment of new, shared products, technology infrastructure and services.

“This assessment will enable the University of Michigan to make data-driven determinations regarding IT planning and sourcing,” said David Wilson, managing director of Accenture’s Canada and U.S. State and Local Government client service group, in a statement. “It is a crucial first step for the university to enable innovative, value-based approaches to technologies and applications to better meet the needs of faculty, researchers and students.”

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