Nvidia To Showcase Startups' GPU Advancements

The event will be held in San Jose, Calif. from Sept. 21-23 as part of Nvidia's GPU Technology Conference, which presents the emerging technologies enabled by Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to an audience of researchers, developers and investors.

Though certain applications of GPU technology are familiar to the public -- entertainment in particular -- the ECS provides insight into new and expanding industries, including computer vision, robotics, gesture recognition, video processing, medical imaging, physics, and artificial intelligence.

Companies selected to present include Milabra, a developer of visual recognition technology for online advertising; Universal Robotics, which makes software that helps robots learn from their environment; and Useful Progress, a developer of medical imaging technology.

The event will feature 287 sessions, including demonstrations of enhanced existing applications and new solutions from over two dozen companies sharing exhibit space on the show floor.

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An advisory committee has selected 24 of the 60 startups to present on stage before panels of technology leaders from Adobe, Cisco, Google, IBM and Microsoft, as well as investment firms including Charles River Ventures, Interwest, Morganthaler Ventures and Sutter Hill.

"Despite challenging economic conditions, their innovations are providing substantial growth potential and attracting the attention of corporate investors and members of the VC community," Nvidia said in a statement.