N-able Beefs Up Reporting Features for MSP Platform


N-Compass 2.2 features a redesigned executive summary report as well as new reports for regulatory compliance and remote control usage, traffic usage and data protection.

The enhancements will be sold as an add-on module to existing N-able customers for $5,000, said Bill Stewart, vice president of marketing for the Ottawa, Ontario-based company.

"Business value reporting is really critical for the entire customer life cycle. It's really about reducing and simplifying the cost in generating these business value reports," Stewart said. "That's the objective of N-Compass, to make doing that an easier prospect."

David Petree of Hixardt Technologies, a solution provider that has test-run the module and participated in its development, said the new reports help his company communicate the value of Hixardt services to clients in language they can understand.

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"From a technician's standpoint we can tell the customer all day long what's wrong with their network. But with the executive report, they can really see it in layman's terms. The new reports not only grade how their network is doing, but it also grades us on how we're doing on their network," said Petree, director of managed services for Hixardt, a Pensacola, Fla.-based solution provider.