Steve Wozniak Skeptical About Apple Watch
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At an IoT event in Boston on Tuesday, Steve Wozniak -- best known as one of the founders of Apple Computer -- admitted he has not tried the Apple Watch yet, and that he has not been a fan of smartwatches in the past.
"Every Apple product -- every iPhone, iPad -- I had to stand in line, I'd be one of the first to have it -- I was so proud of it," said Wozniak. "You know, using it, it changed my life so much. And the Watch comes out, and somehow I was busy traveling overseas -- I haven't even ordered a Watch yet, believe it or not."
Wozniak said that he "definitely" wants one, citing Apple Pay as one feature he would like to give a spin.
"I want to see if it really works and makes my life simpler," he said.
"But I've had smart watches, and at the end I’ve said, you know, this doesn't add something to my life. I can do the same things I have on my phone, but on a smaller screen," he continued.
Wozniak was doubtful as to whether the Apple Watch would be more convenient than using an iPhone to access messages and email. "I have to try it to find out," he said.
Wozniak left Apple in 1987. In recent years, he has delivered keynote addresses at conferences and events, and became an adjunct professor at the University of Technology in Sydney.