Xirrus Adds VoIP Support To WLAN Arrays

VoIP wireless WLAN

Xirrus partners can download the free software upgrade to add voice-prioritization technology to any of the vendor's three XS-series WLAN arrays, said John DiGiovanni, director of marketing at the company.

The upgrade adds support for SpectraLink Voice Priority, which gives voice traffic traveling over a WLAN prioritized bandwidth for better transmission clarity, DiGiovanni said. SpectraLink is a Boulder, Colo.-based vendor of voice-over-WLAN technology.

In addition to improving VoIP support, the upgrade also gives VARs the opportunity to re-engage with their Xirrus customers, introduce the enhancement and position themselves to upsell customers into wireless voice products, DiGiovanni said.

"Here's another opportunity to reach out and touch your customers," he said.

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Reaching out to existing customers is exactly what Sean Burke, president of GovPlace, a Xirrus solution provider based in Irvine, Calif., said he plans to do with the upgrade.

GovPlace plays exclusively in the public sector as a full-service VAR and technology consultant to government agencies, including education.

Armed with the Xirrus upgrade, Burke said he expects GovPlace to be able to show customers the benefit of adding wireless VoIP platforms to their existing WLANs.

"I would say [the upgrade] will double the number of wireless opportunities because it will accelerate the process for people to make the change," Burke said.

Xirrus offers a "try for free, buy for less" product evaluation program, which provides VARs with free evaluation units. Solution providers can purchase the demo units later at discounted rates, DiGiovanni said.

The product evaluation program is another plus for solution providers working with Xirrus, said Mike Caponigro, senior director of marketing at JDM Infrastructure, a solution provider partner in Rosemont, Ill.

"With the 'try for free, buy for less' program, I don't have to go through any budget issues when introducing Xirrus to new customers," Caponigro said. The program also helps solution providers show customers the benefit of Xirrus and its products, Caponigro said.

"I don't think we've ever taken [an evaluation unit] back," Caponigro said.