3Com Rolls Out WLAN Wares For Branch Offices

wireless LAN switch access point

In addition, the Marlborough, Mass.-based networking vendor is rolling out a new version of its Mobility System Software that enables its WLAN switches to manage its legacy stand-alone access points (APs), as well as APs from Cisco Systems and Proxim Wireless.

"Our so-called 'fat' APs can now be utilized as part of a managed domain," said Howard Rubin, wireless product marketing manager at 3Com.

The new WXR100 Remote Office Wireless LAN Switch, which lists for $999, provides centralized management for up to three access points. It includes support for Power over Ethernet as well as quality-of-service features. Available now, the switch can be drop-shipped to branch offices or remote sites.

3Com also is launching the Wireless LAN Managed Access Point 3750, a dual-radio AP that simultaneously supports the IEEE 802.11a and 802.11b/g standards. The AP, available now at a list price of $499, also includes security features based on the Advanced Encryption Standard.

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The new 3Com products are OEMed from Trapeze Networks via an ongoing partnership between the two vendors.