Bluesocket Beefs Up VoWLAN Infrastructure

WLAN software

Bluesocket has addressed the security requirements of VoWLAN by including a stateful firewall that monitors dynamic voice traffic and protects the network, said Dave Danielson, vice president of marketing at Bluesocket, Burlington, Mass. "People want to know that the infrastructure they have in place today is voice-capable," he said.

Companies looking to upgrade their data networks to carry voice are increasingly looking to Bluesocket channel partners. Brian Welch, director of engineering at Tec-Works, a Bluesocket partner in Kirkland, Wash., says that Bluesocket's stronger support for voice over WLAN will help him address what he describes as a steadily growing number of inquiries. "We used to get one a week, and now we're getting at least one per day--it's definitely something that everyone's thinking about," said Welch.

Edward Walton, business development manager at Prosys Information Systems, a Norcross, Ga. solution provider, reports similar interest in VoWLAN, as well as for other Bluesocket features such as guest access and the ability to authenticate to several different backend services. "The ability for Bluesocket's equipment to fit in with the solution the customer already has in place is a key selling point, said Walton.

Danielson says it's part of Bluesocket's strategy to interoperate with other vendors' equipment. "Wireless is very hot right now, but people didn't just start buying equipment yesterday, so we're committed to giving them interoperability," he explained.

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Bluesocket's upgrade includes other features such as DynamicRF, which enables the vendor's access points to adjust to network congestion and environmental interference by automatically redistributing traffic to other access points, which is especially important for ensuring the quality of VoIP, said Danielson.

Additionally, Bluesocket's access points can now operate in sensor mode and access point mode at the same time, which enables the BlueSecure Controller to identify network intruders and alert administrators through a configurable set of alarms, Danielson said.