Google Launches Push Notification Feature For Gmail, Calendar


Users who have installed the Google Mobile search app now have the option to receive push notifications alerting them to new e-mails and calendar appointments. They also have the option of turning it off or applying the function only at certain times of the day.

Specifically, the Google push notification feature alerts users to new e-mail messages or calendar items within the app's settings menu, which are directly linked to either the user's Gmail account or through the Google Calendar mobile Website.

Users are treated to an icon badge appearing on their iPhone screen showing them that they have a new e-mail in their Gmail account or reminding them that they have an event or appointment listed in their Google Calendar.

The new Google push notification feature isn't wildly different than the existing Apple iPhone mail application that already pushes e-mails and reminders onto users' devices. Now, however, the same push function can be done through either Gmail or the Google Calendar mobile Web site itself -- the only difference being that Google can only push alerts from one account at a time.

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Users can add multiple log-ins and then choose which account will receive notifications. Also, while the new Gmail app is restricted to one account, users can combine it with the existing iPhone application to receive pushed e-mails from two separate accounts.

Users can get the update from the App Store by searching for "Google Mobile App."