TelePacific Adding Jobs To Keep Up With Post-M&A Growth

The Los Angeles, Calif.-based CLEC plans to add up to 200 jobs by years end, according to Lalita Nordquist, TelePacific’s vice president of human resources. The service provider already added dozens of new positions last quarter, she said. "Our growing customer base and expanding product portfolio are driving the need for additional skilled employees throughout the organization," said Nordquist in a statement.

That expanding product portfolio comes by way of a series of recent acquisitions that have padded out TelePacific’s network, product offerings and client base.

Most recently the CLEC capped off its buying spree by finalizing its acquisition of Tel West, which expanded its footprint into Texas’ fast-growing SMB market. In June, it also added carrier colocation services and a 10,000 foot SAS Type II-certified facility with a deal to acquire Orange County Internet Xchange. And earlier, in May, the service provider enhanced its cloud, managed services and hosted PBX portfolio when it scooped up TeleKenex, an IP services provider based in San Francisco and Seattle.

Late last year, TelePacific bought the data center and managed services provider, O1 Communications, and, following the MegaPath’s three-way merger with Covad and Speakeasy, snatched up NextWeb, Covad’s fixed wireless subsidiary.

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While sometimes M&A activity can lead to layoffs, TelePacific is moving full speed ahead to integrate its new programs and staff them with the telco industry’s best and brightest.

"We're recruiting additional personnel with the expertise and drive to facilitate the best possible telecom experience for business customers in a growing number of addressable markets," said TelePacific president and CEO Dick Jalkut in a statement. "We're committed to providing our customers with the best telecommunications solutions available, but also with the most skilled and responsive people to support them."

The new jobs will be in sales, marketing, engineering, customer service, field operations, finance and human resources.