Zultys: A Better View Of The Call Center

The contact center is becoming more and more critical to day-to-day operations, and is the “profit-making core” of many businesses, said Martin Trigg, regional director at Zultys.

The bottom line? Customers need to be able to reach the call center quickly and easily, or businesses lose money.

MXIE SuperView is Zultys’ solution for a more efficient call center and happier customers. It’s an out-of-the-box solution with a number of metrics to help call center supervisors in real-time, said Trigg. It can track wait and average call times, available agents, and agent performance in single-screen view. Customizable pop-up alerts can inform the supervisor about excessive wait times, when a caller has been put on hold, or when active call center agents drop below a certain number.

It’s also a scalable solution, Trigg said, ideal for managing remote workers and the fluctuating demand of a call center environment.

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“One of the things we’ve seen develop and change over time is the degree to which we’ve become a distributed work force. Industry is more likely to have a workforce that is spread out around the country, and that’s really true in the call center industry,” Trigg said. “That whole concept and change in the distribution of the worker, and the need to support it on the telephony side has grown as well, and we see SuperView as being a tool that helps manage and control information in a real-time fashion so [workers] can do their job well.”

Zultys is a channel-centric company that sells all of their UC solution through resellers, said Steve Francis, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer at Zultys.

Francis said Zultys takes its channel partner relationships seriously, and never over-saturates a geographic area with its resellers. And all Zultys partners get technical and product training as well sales training. Zultys has a two-tiered program and provides performance incentive bonuses to partners, Francis said.

Trigg said solution providers will enjoy selling Zultys’ products because the complexity is handled by Zultys; competitors’ products can require extra equipment or VPN connectivity, he said, while the Zultys solution is truly all-in-one.