N-able Launches New Program for MSPs

The MSP 3.0 program also introduces a new Titanium level of partnership for MSPs that specialize in solutions that meet a variety of IT governance requirements. It was unveiled Tuesday at CMP's TechXNY event in New York.

N-able CEO Mark Scott said the centerpiece of the new program is the maturity model, formally titled the N-able Maturity Model. Developed in the vein of Gartner's Capability Maturity Model, the N-able model provides a development scale in key categories such as service delivery process, management tools, policy and documentation, and business, including sales, marketing and operations.

"Our MSP Maturity Model allows both service providers and end users to understand the difference between the various managed services offerings available today," Scott said. "As a result, true MSPs can market and differentiate their services property and end users can get beyond the marketing hype."

The N-able Maturity Model helps service providers assess their strengths and weaknesses, and formalize customized training, collateral and technology road maps to progress to a level of providing high-quality, value-based services. The Model categorizes MSPs on different levels, from one to four. MSPs at Level one offer only rudimentary services; Level four providers have built their own Network Operations Centers(NOCs) and help customers respond to problems before they even arise.

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Reaction to the Maturity Model was positive among resellers. Jennifer Wright, vice president of Wright Business Technologies, identified herself as "a recent N-able convert," and said that as her company developed its MSP model, it would be interesting to see how they measured up.

"It'll be amazing to see where we are six months from now," she said. "With [N-able's] help, we expect to be making money on managed services by then, so we'll see [how we measure up]."

The N-able MSP 3.0 program is available now. Scott said the MSP Maturity Model assessment will be available by the end of the month.