HP Ramps Up Mobility Efforts

Declaring 2005 "the year for mobility," Ted Clark, senior vice president and general manager of the mobile computing business unit at HP said mobile technologies have evolved to a point that they can now "enhance the way we live, work and interact."

With that in mind, Clark unveiled an ambitious mobile agenda for Palo Alto, Calif., computer giant, including 10 new commercial notebooks, a hosted Exchange-based e-mail service for small businesses and a wireless LAN assessment and setup service for small businesses. Clark also said that HP would "address" the smartphone market later this year.

In its broad mobility efforts, HP's focus is on the corporate user, Clark said.

Richard Stone, wireless and mobility solutions manager Americas for HP, told CRN that companies can no longer put off addressing mobility.

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"Whether they want to know about it or not, employees are going down to Best Buy and accessing corporate data with devices that haven't been approved or authorized," Stone said.

HP's new notebooks and handhelds all have security and manageability built-in, Stone said. "The danger is in believing that notebooks and handhelds are commodities," he said. "Business users need business class security and manageability."