Samsung On IoT Security: Good Solutions Do Not Exist Yet

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Like the rest of the technological world, IoT has struggled with security threats and breaches. According to Samsung Vice President Dr. Alan Messer, ’privacy is a big problem,’ and security could halt connected innovation before it is able to hit the mainstream.

’Actually, good solutions in this space do not exist,’ said Messer, who spoke on behalf of Samsung. He said that privacy and security in IoT are ’of interest’ to Samsung, as well as users and governments.

Messer said the biggest challenge is the variety of security systems used, and that those systems cannot be bridged among different solutions.

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’Security that is bridged is basically security that is flawed,’ Messer said,

In addition, it may feel like IoT is making the world a smaller place, but Messer said the standards for privacy and security vary across geographies. Europe has very strict privacy laws, while the U.S. laws are still what Messer called ’TBD.’

And finally, he said, ’The biggest problem in the security space is some kind of security that we will actually use,’ Messer said.

’If you make a security system and no one uses it, then what’s the point?’