InterMute Gets In Channel Swing

InterMute's program displays many characteristics of more mature endeavors, including different levels of participation, access to beta versions of products, sales training, technical support and co-marketing.

Chris Moriarty, director of channels at InterMute, Braintree, Mass., said the company initially will recruit roughly 50 solution providers. "We are not looking for quantity but, instead, for quality," Moriarty said, adding the company will place particular emphasis on partners with expertise serving small and midsize businesses.

InterMute will encourage partners to build services around two components of its flagship InterMute Anti-Spyware software: SpySubtract Enterprise Edition and SpySubtract Rx.

SpySubtract Enterprise Edition provides centrally managed antispyware software for networked computers. It features a Web-based management console, a built-in MySQL database for spyware report generation and automatic threat detection. The software also monitors networked computers' CPU usage, ensuring that spyware scans are performed at optimal times.

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Tom MacArthur, principal at Storbase, Waltham, Mass., said such features attracted Storbase to the InterMute channel. "Their products scale from anything very small to anything very large," MacArthur said. "We have clients of just about every size, and this is a product we can use on each and every one of them."

SpySubtract Rx, meanwhile, is hosted, ASP software that scans and removes spyware from computers plugged into public sites. Moriarty described it as key for solution providers interested in using InterMute products to become managed security solution providers.