Security Exec Leaves Microsoft, Seeking Startup Opportunity

Reached at home, Mangione confirmed that his last day was Nov. 11. “I&'m taking some time off, looking to get into a startup. There&'s no rush,” he said.

Mangione was vice president of SQL Server prior to moving into the high-profile security group in April 2004. There, he assumed leadership of security products and reported to Mike Nash, the corporate vice president of the overall Security Business Unit.

His direct reports will now report to Rebecca Norlander, group manager in the security unit, sources said.

When asked who will be taking over his position, Mangione said Ted Kummert will handle product-related issues. Kummert, who previously led the Business Process Integration Unit, last month became corporate vice president of a new Enterprise Access and Security Products division at Microsoft, Redmond, Wash.

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With the creation of EASP and the Security Technology Unit, Mangione&'s former areas of responsibility were divided between the two organizations, a company spokesman said.

Some said recent departures from the security team might be related to a Windows patch snafu last month. The October patches, meant to bolster security, actually opened up vulnerabilities, as was widely reported.

Microsoft partners said Mangione will be missed.

“Gordon did a lot to support the partner community as evidenced in his SQL work, and he helped squelch a lot of security problems,” said Frank Cullen, principal at Blackstone and Cullen, a solution provider in Alpharetta, Ga. “He&'s financially secure, and there&'s a lot of weird stuff going on at Microsoft with all the Xbox stuff, changes in direction and internal memos. A lot of people are running around at the top trying to consolidate. Rather than play musical chairs and politics, it looks like he took a deep breath,” he said.

In a statement, Amy Roberts, director of product management in the STU, said: “Gord has had a tremendous impact upon Microsoft in shipping products. … We are sad to see Gord leave, and deeply appreciate [his] contributions.”