McAfee AVERT Raises Attention To Cisco Flaws

The attack toolkit, named "CISCO Global Exploiter," has been made available across the Internet, and allows anyone to launch attacks exploiting weaknesses against any vulnerable Cisco OIS devices.

According to Vincent Gullato, vice president of McAfee AVERT, the Cisco vulnerabilities present hackers with a range of options, from causing denial-of-service attacks to bypassing authentication and executing malicious code on the device.

"When you're operating in an environment that has no integrity with regard to criminal activity, it's difficult to really grasp and believe a majority of what you hear and read," Gullato said. "With the information we can give, we hope it will provide [enterprise customers and resellers] with better protection."

Toward that aim, McAfee AVERT experts recommended users look into the following product vulnerabilities:

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Cisco was not immediately available for comment.