Juniper Branches Out With New SSG Appliance Models

Gateway processing bandwidth

With the launch of the SSG 5, SSG 20 and SSG 140, Juniper gives companies a way to consolidate firewall, VPN and routing functions into a single box. The new appliances are the first in the SSG line to include integrated unified threat management (UTM) security features, said Stephen Philip, director of marketing for Juniper's security products group.

There has been a traditional separation of security and routing functions in branch offices, with routers often primarily serving for media conversion between Ethernet and T1, Philip said. With the new SSG appliances, Juniper is integrating branch routing in order to consolidate these functions and simplify management, he added.

To enable security and routing features without bringing the connection to a standstill, the Sunnyvale, Calif.-based vendor has infused the SSG appliances with more processing power, according to Philip. The SSG 5 and SSG 20 appliances feature throughput of 160 Mbps for stateful firewall and 40 Mbps for IPsec VPN. The SSG 140 is capable of handling 350 Mbps of firewall and 100 Mbps of IPsec VPN throughput.

The SSG appliances run on version 5.4 of Juniper's ScreenOS, which includes UTM features such as antispam, antivirus, Web filtering and intrusion prevention, Philip said.

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Patrick Foxhoven, CIO of Centracomm, a Findlay, Ohio-based solution provider, said the new SSG appliances are a great fit for remote office scenarios in fast-growing companies.

"We've had a lot of success deploying in those areas for customers looking to upgrade or add more functionality," he said.

The SSG 5 and 20 appliances are available now and are priced at $700 and $900, respectively. The SSG 140 is slated for rollout in the fourth quarter. The integrated UTM features will be available on a subscription basis.